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为了预防灾害性天气的危害,减少温室蔬菜损失,提高蔬菜产量,温室生产管理应特别注意以下几个问题:一、注意天气变化,提前检修设施设备保暖、防冻是设施蔬菜生产的基本要求,否则一旦受到冻害,将会造成无法弥补的损失。应及时对温室进行保养和维修,加强棚膜、草帘、保温被等覆盖物的检修工作,必要时增加保温膜。加固棚体,对棚体不太牢固的地方加以处理,预防由于冻雪造成棚体坍塌。对棚体周围排水进行疏通,防止雨雪堆积,对棚体造成伤害。对供电线路及时检修,对老化线进行更换,以免受大风、冰雪等天气影响,致使温室不能正常工作。二、有效调控温室环境,加 In order to prevent the hazards of disastrous weather, reduce greenhouse vegetable losses, increase vegetable production, greenhouse production management should pay special attention to the following issues: First, pay attention to weather changes, maintenance equipment in advance warm, frost is the basic requirements of vegetable production facilities, or Once frozen, it will cause irreparable damage. The greenhouse should be promptly maintained and repaired, to strengthen the greenhouse film, straw curtain, insulation is covered by the overhaul work, if necessary, increase the insulation film. Strengthen the shed, the shed is not too strong place to be dealt with to prevent the collapse of the shed caused by the freezing snow. Drainage around the shed to clear, prevent the accumulation of rain and snow, causing damage to the shed. Timely maintenance of the power supply line, the aging line to be replaced, so as to avoid the gale, snow and other weather, resulting in the greenhouse can not work properly. Second, effectively regulate the greenhouse environment, plus
摘 要:化工企业降耗对于化工企业来说具有重要的现实意义,化工企业的节能降耗技术水平在一定程度上影响着我国整体经济形势的走向。为此,我们应当强化对化工企业节能降耗的发展力度,从完善发展化工反应的工艺条件以及降低生产全过程的动力消耗等多方面入手,借助于现代化的技术手段来达到节能降耗的目的。本文将主要以化工工艺中常见的节能降耗技术措施为切入点,对其进行简要的介绍和分析,并对如何更好的实现节能降耗作出相应
Due to continuous decreasing feature size and increasing device density, on-chip caches have been becoming susceptible to single event upsets, which will result