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油田的发展需要和谐稳定的内外部环境。近年来油田在企业改制、快速发展的进程中,由于员工群众利益诉求多元化,用工性质复杂化,工资薪酬多样化等诸多因素的存在,给维护稳定工作增加了很大难度,这些问题涉及面广,既有历史遗留问题,也有随着油田发展呈现出的新问题。只有不断拓宽工作思路,创新工作方式,强力落实各项维稳措施,深化维稳工作长效机制,坚持主动掌控情况,切实化解矛盾,将问题解决在基层,维护员工合法权益,努力创造更加和谐稳定的工作环境,促进企业各项工作又好又快发展。 The development of the oil field needs a harmonious and stable internal and external environment. In the process of enterprise restructuring and rapid development in recent years, due to the diversified interests of staff and workers, the complicated nature of labor force and the diversification of salary and remuneration, it is very difficult for oilfields to maintain stability. The problems involved are: Broad, both the problems left over by history, but also with the development of the oil field presents new problems. Only by continuously broadening the work train of thought and innovating the working methods, vigorously implement various measures of maintaining stability and deepening the long-term mechanism of maintaining stability and stability, insisting on proactively controlling the situation, resolving contradictions effectively, resolving problems at the grassroots level, safeguarding the legitimate rights and interests of employees, and making efforts to create more harmonious and stable Work environment, and promote the good and fast development of all work in the enterprise.
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It is necessary that the adjustment of the Pu(Ⅲ)to Pu(Ⅳ)should be used excess nitride gases befor the cycle of Pu purification in Purex.The mass of nitrous ac