萨马尔斯基的研究人员与他人合作 ,研制出一种新型的用于防止涡轮增压器超负荷运转和产生爆音的保护装置 ,并获得了专利。该装置可同时用来检查两个增压器的转速 ,当增压器的转速达到允许极限值以及接近爆音时 ,该装置就发出信号。这种 Y3T- 0 0 2型保护装置可用来检测涡轮增压
Samarlski researchers collaborated with others to develop and patented a new type of protection device to prevent the turbocharger from overloading and producing sonic boom. The device can be used simultaneously to check the speed of both superchargers, which signal when the supercharger speed reaches the permissible limit and approaches the squeak. This Y3T-0 0 0 type of protection device can be used to detect turbocharged