粤剧 由多种唱腔融汇而成。明清以来,流入广东的海盐、弋阳、昆山、梆子等诸腔吸收珠江三角洲的民间音乐,逐渐演进成南方一大戏曲剧种。明清以来,弋阳腔、昆山腔由“外江班”传入广东,继而出现了广东“本地班”,所唱弋腔是一唱众和,称为“广腔”。清嘉庆、道光年间,高腔、昆腔逐渐衰落:“本地班”遂以梆子为主要唱腔。后徽班影响日益扩大,又以“梆簧”(即西皮、二黄)作为基本唱腔,同时也保留了部分昆腔、弋腔,并吸收广东民间乐曲和时调,逐渐形成粤剧。现在保留的粤剧传统剧目大多数以唱梆子腔为主。后来
Cantonese opera by a variety of singing together. Since the Ming and Qing Dynasties, the folk music flowing into the Pearl River Delta, such as Haiyan, Yiyang, Kunshan and Bangzi which flowed into Guangdong, gradually evolved into a major opera genre in the south. Since the Ming and Qing Dynasties, Yiyang Cavity and Kunshan Cavity have been introduced into Guangdong by the “Waigang Class”, followed by the emergence of “local classes” in Guangdong. Qing Jiaqing, Daoguangnian years, high chamber, Queensland gradually decline: “local class” then Bangzi as the main aria. The influence of later emblem classes has been expanding. In the meantime, “Spring of Spring” (ie, Xipi and Erhuang) has been used as the basic aria. At the same time, part of the Kunqu Opera and Yi Cavalry have also been retained. Most of the traditional Cantonese opera repertories now reserved are sings and daughters. later