有关蒲公英对体外培养缺氧缺糖心肌细胞作用的研究尚未见报道 ,本实验通过细胞化学和电镜技术相结合的方法 ,为蒲公英的进一步开发和应用提供必要的形态学依据。1 材料与方法1 1 材料 蒲公英水提物由延边大学医学院附属医院制剂科提供。制备方法 :准确称取 1kg蒲公英药材
The study on the effect of dandelion on the hypoxia and glucose deprivation cardiomyocytes cultured in vitro has not been reported yet. In this experiment, the combination of cytochemistry and electron microscopy techniques provides the necessary morphological basis for the further development and application of dandelion. 1 Materials and Methods 1 1 Materials Dandelion aqueous extract was provided by the Preparation Department of Affiliated Hospital of Yanbian University Medical College. Preparation : Accurately weigh 1kg dandelion