Cable宽带接入技术在北美是最为成功的一种接入Internet的方式,仅美国2000年的Cable Modem用户就有340多万,而且预计到2004年将达到1300多万的用户。在亚洲地区如日本、韩国、台湾,Cable接入技术都是当地的一种主流接入方式,早已深入千家万户。在我国,由于人口众多,有线电视网络(CATV网络)已拥有8000多万用户,并以每年500万户的速度迅速增长,可以说中国的CATV网络是世界上第一大有线电视网,因此广播电视总局决定大力发展Cable接入Internet的方式。
Cable broadband access technology in North America is the most successful way to access the Internet, only the United States in 2000 Cable Modem users have more than 340 million, and is expected by 2004 will reach more than 13 million users. In Asia, such as Japan, South Korea and Taiwan, cable access technologies are all local mainstream access methods and have already reached tens of thousands of households. In China, due to its large population, the CATV network has more than 80 million subscribers and is growing rapidly at a rate of 5 million annually. It can be said that China’s CATV network is the largest CATV network in the world. Therefore, broadcasting The TV Administration decided to develop Cable to access the Internet.