一、概述 为了适应国内新老轧机的改造及制造的急需,我们曾从事耐高压、低摩擦填充聚四氟乙烯密封圈的研制。研制工作通过两个途径:一是研制了摩擦系数低的填充聚四氟乙烯材料,作为活塞(柱塞)密封和导向的材料;二是采用先进的、有自封作用的唇形密封圈型式和合理的结构设计。经过试验其密封摩擦力数值大幅度地降低到5‰以下,活塞在全行程运动中密封处的摩擦力基本均匀,其变化范围在2‰以内,活塞在2微米/秒的低速下无爬行,而且在运行中偏摆值也小。
First, an overview In order to adapt to the transformation of new and old domestic mill and the urgent need of manufacturing, we have engaged in high pressure, low friction PTFE seal developed. Development through two ways: First, the development of a low coefficient of friction filled PTFE material as a piston (plunger) seal and guide the material; the second is the use of advanced self-styled lip seal type and Reasonable structural design. After the test its sealing friction value greatly reduced to below 5 ‰, the piston in the full stroke of the seal at the friction is basically uniform, the range of variation within 2 ‰, the piston at 2 microns / second low speed without crawling, And in the run-time deflection value is small.