湖南省常务副省长于来山一行 视察黔阳古城建设情况

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6月19日下午,湖南省政府常务副省长于来山一行,在怀化市委书记李亿龙、怀化市委常委、常务副市长王志群陪同下到洪江市考察指导。此次考察的第一站——黔阳古城,因其深厚的历史文化底蕴,深深地吸引了考察组的领导们。常务副省长于来山兴致勃勃地来到了楚南上游第一胜迹芙蓉楼,考察了芙蓉楼、耸翠楼、送客厅、胜迹门、碑廊等主要建筑。他希望洪江市要打好这一品牌,进一步推进洪江旅游的发展。 On the afternoon of June 19, Yu Lai-shan, executive vice governor of Hunan provincial government and his entourage went to Hongjiang City for guidance and guidance in the accompany of Li Yilong, Secretary of Huaihua Municipal Party Committee and Wang Zhiqun, member of Standing Committee of Huaihua Municipal Party Committee and executive vice-mayor of Huaihua. The first stop of the study, the ancient city of Qiangyang, deeply attracted the leaders of the inspection team because of its profound historical and cultural heritage. Executive Vice Governor Yu Lai Shan happily came to the first victory in the upper reaches of Chu Nan Hibiscus House, inspected the Hibiscus House, Tsui Tsui floor, to the living room, the monument gate, Beilun and other major buildings. He hoped that Hongjiang City should lay a good foundation for this brand and further promote the development of Hongjiang tourism.
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