
来源 :武汉勘察设计 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ljl640211
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日前,由武汉市园林建筑规划设计院设计的“武汉最美绿道”“世界级绿道”东湖绿道正式揭开面纱。东湖是武汉之瑰宝,自然之恩赐。环东湖绿道,串联东湖之美景,感受城市慢生活。有水,33平方公里;有山,层峦叠翠;有树,苍翠蓊郁。东湖绿道总长28.7公里,串联东湖听涛、渔光、白马、落雁、磨山、后湖等六大景区,含楚风园、九女墩、湖光阁、鹅咀、磨山、梅园、樱园、八一泳池、芦洲落雁、清河古桥等二十五处景点,通过透湖景、增节点、添色彩、融文化等景观策略,提升改造现有景点,同时新增二十处景点,最终形成四段景观绿道、八大主题区域、十大明星节点、二十四处兴趣热点,构建一条世 Recently, the design of Wuhan Garden Architecture Planning and Design Institute “the most beautiful Green Road in Wuhan ” “world-class Greenway ” East Lake Greenway officially unveiled. East Lake is a treasure of Wuhan, a gift of nature. East Lake Greenway, the beauty of the series of East Lake, feel the city’s slow life. There are water, 33 square kilometers; mountains, Cengluan Emerald; trees, lush green. East Lake Green Road, the total length of 28.7 kilometers, the East Lake listening Tao, fishing light, white horse, Lok Yan, Moshan, Lake and other six major scenic spots, including Chu Feng Yuan, nine female pier, Lake Court, goose Tsui, Mill Hill, , Cherry Blossom Park, Bayi Swimming Pool, Luzhou Lushun, Qinghe Ancient Bridge and other scenic spots, through the lake through the scenery, increase color, melting culture and other landscape strategies to upgrade existing attractions, while adding twenty Department of scenic spots, the final formation of four sections of landscape greenway, eight theme areas, ten star nodes, twenty-four interest hot spots, build a world
阅读教学是语文教学的重要组成部分,近年来,人们对于小学生阅读的关注度越来越高,小学生也开始越来越青睐起阅读,虽然他们还不可能完全知晓阅读对于他们人生的意义,但我们欣喜地看到很多学生已经建立起比较浓厚和广泛的兴趣,怎样去发展和巩固他们的兴趣?科学引领学生亲近阅读十分重要。现结合对小学中年级学生亲近阅读的研究谈几点自己肤浅的思考。   一、科学引领小学中年级学生亲近阅读需求——广其阅读面   笔者最近