
来源 :上海博物馆集刊 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:rxw257
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本文对文徵明本人及追随其书画艺街的吴门子弟作了生平与相关史料的补充与考证。主要涉及以下八个方面:一、代笔人朱朗生年考(附朱荣小考);二、文嘉生卒疑年考;三、文云承是否就是文徵明季子文允承;四、文徵明孙文元善卒年考;五、文徵明玄孙文宠光生年考;六、文徵明书画作伪者陆士仁生平简考;七、文微明逝后文彭沿用其印例举;八、文徵明与弟子陈淳关保考。 This paper complements Wen Wenming and his related historical materials to Wen Zhengming himself and his followers of Wu Men who follow his calligraphy and painting art street. Mainly related to the following eight aspects: First, the ghostwriter Zhu Langsheng year test (with Zhu Rong Quiz); Second, Wen Jia Sheng dynasty test; Third, Wen Yun Cheng Wen Zimin quarter is Wen Yung Cheng; Five, Wen Zheng Mingxuan Sun Moonlight puppet year test; six, Wen Zhengming’s calligraphy pseudo Luke Ren life briefing; Zhengming and disciples Chen Chun off test.