立志再理 被誉为“剑中之王”的越王勾践剑的仿制品于近日出炉。荆州市著名的民间工艺师许光国历20余年艰辛,破解千年古剑铸造之谜,将这把稀世珍品再现在世人面前。 这把制作精美的青铜剑全长56.2厘米,剑格宽5.1厘米,剑身满布菱形几何暗纹,剑格两面各嵌有一颗兽面纹绿松石,剑身刻有两行错金铭文:“越王鸠浅(勾践)自乍(作)用铨(剑)”。其剑刃锋利,纹饰流畅,锈色古朴温润。
Determined to re-known as the “King of Swords” Yue Gou Jian imitation was recently released. Jingzhou City, the famous folk craftsman Xu Guangguo more than 20 years of arduous, crack the mystery of the Millennium sword casting, this rare treasures in the world before the reappearance. This beautifully crafted bronze sword is 56.2 cm in length and 5.1 cm in width. The sword body is full of diamond-shaped geometric dark lines. Each side of the sword lattice is covered with turquoise, “The more the king dove shallow (Gou Jian) from the first (for) with Civil (sword).” Its sharp blade, decorative smooth, rusty simple warm.