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社会主义市场经济的建立和逐步完善,形成了多种经济成份、多种经营方式、多种流通渠道、多种定价策略、多种分配形式并存的局面,使我国的统计调查环境发生了巨大变化,即:调查对象成倍增加,调查构成日趋复杂,调查工作难度日益加大,被调查者合作程度有所降低,从而导致旧 The establishment and gradual improvement of the socialist market economy have led to the drastic changes in the survey environment in our country resulting from the coexistence of a variety of economic components, diversified management modes, diversified distribution channels, diversified pricing strategies and various forms of distribution , That is: the number of respondents increased exponentially, the composition of the survey is becoming increasingly complicated, the investigation is more and more difficult, the degree of cooperation of the respondents is somewhat reduced, leading to the old
道德规范的认同固然重要,对科学知识的正确认识更不可少。两者就像助  人前行的腿,缺了其中任何一条,都会影响我们理性准确地看待这个世界  约在1992年底,当我第一次读到理查德·斯卡利的美国儿童读物《小兔子之书》时,我小小地吃了一惊。因为在书的末尾,我读到了与中国传统的道德教育完全相反的内容:“乌龟总以为它们能在赛跑中击败兔子……但它们不可能做得到。”  “龟兔赛跑”的故事在国内是家喻户晓的。几乎没