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鉴于我国证券市场上上市公司不同的融资倾向问题,本文运用按常理的分析方法,经过对我国上市公司融资行为与融资结构初步的分析,发现我国上市公司具有明显的股权融资偏好,在股权融资时更多的选择市场化偏低的配股方式进行再融资,而负债融资在公司总融资中很少,且多为短期负债。而在外国证券市场上,上市公司的融资倾向正好相反。在证券市场上为什么我国上市公司会出现和外国两种截然不同的融资结构,本文将通过对中国上市公司股权融资偏好的影响因素来分析其原因,并提出一些促进中国上市公司合理融资的建设性意见。 In view of the different financing tendencies of listed companies in China’s securities market, this article uses the common sense analysis method to analyze the financing behavior and financing structure of listed companies in our country. It is found that listed companies in our country have obvious equity financing preference. More options low market-oriented way to refinance shares, and debt financing in the company’s total financing is very small, and mostly short-term debt. In the foreign securities market, the financing tendency of listed companies is the opposite. In the stock market, why there are two completely different financing structures in Chinese listed companies? This article will analyze the reasons for the influencing factors of Chinese listed companies’ equity financing preferences and put forward some constructive measures to promote the reasonable financing of Chinese listed companies opinion.