Generation of multi-carrier based on a recirculating frequency shifter with delay interferometer

来源 :Optoelectronics Letters | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhangdeyu520
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Recirculating frequency shifter(RFS)can generate stable multi-carrier,but the carrier-to-noise-ratio(CNR)is limited because noise is accumulated round by round in the recirculation loop structure.A modified RFS with a delay interferometer(DI)is proposed in this paper.The DI can suppress the accumulated noise,and enhance the CNR of multi-carrier.The principle of the generation of high quality multi-carrier based on an RFS with DI is analyzed theoretically.50 stable carriers with spacing of 10.7 GHz are successfully generated.The flatness of 50 stable carriers is 3 dB,and the CNR is 43 dB which is increased by 3 dB compared with the structure without DI. Recirculating frequency shifter (RFS) can generate stable multi-carrier, but the carrier-to-noise-ratio (CNR) is limited because noise is accumulated round by round in the recirculation loop structure. A Modified RFS with a delay interferometer (DI) is proposed in this paper. The DI can suppress the accumulated noise, and enhance the CNR of multi-carrier. The principle of the generation of high quality multi-carrier based on an RFS with DI is estimated theoretically. 50 stable carriers with spacing of 10.7 GHz are successfully generated. The flatness of 50 stable carriers is 3 dB, and the CNR is 43 dB which is increased by 3 dB compared with the structure without DI.
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