In the same component multi-chip multi-band applications, due to the smaller and smaller chip center, resulting in some adjacent bands are usually integrated into a chip. In order to reduce the band crosstalk, this paper focuses on the low temperature spectral quantification of the integrated dual-chip integrated package. By integrating the dual-chip integrated package, and by means of physical isolation between the bands and physical coverage of the metal area, Band of the beam isolation. The test results show that the spectral crosstalk between chips has been significantly improved before and after isolation. The crosstalk between bands has been reduced from 8% to 4%, and the out-of-band response has been reduced from 6.5% to 0.78%. In order to avoid the problem of thermal mismatch between the physical isolation strip and the chip under the condition of low temperature, the isolation strip is completely consistent with the material of the chip substrate. High-low temperature impact test of dual-band chip package shows that it can effectively suppress the component crosstalk and solve the thermal mismatch of the key components in the package.