我国自实行对外开放以来,对外贸易急增,1993年对外贸易总额已达1957亿美元,位居世界第11位,成为世界贸易大国。然而,正当中国雄心勃勃地扩大对外开放的时候,一些外贸企业却频频在国外受到“反倾销”这只拦路虎的攻击,使得大批出口“拳头”产品在国际市场折羽而归。 反倾销措施是当前国际通行的贸易策略,它已被明文写入关贸总协定乌拉圭回合谈判的最后文件中,其全称为《关于执行1994年关贸总协定第六条的协定》(即简称《反倾销守则》)。凡属关贸总协定的成员
Since China began opening up to the outside world, foreign trade has increased rapidly. In 1993, the total volume of foreign trade reached US$195.7 billion, ranking 11th in the world and becoming a world trading power. However, just as China aggressively expanded its opening up to the outside world, some foreign trade companies have frequently been attacked by the “anti-dumping” stumbling block in foreign countries, resulting in a large number of export “fist” products that have been lost in the international market. Anti-dumping measures are the current internationally accepted trade strategy. It has been explicitly written in the final document of the Uruguay Round negotiations of the GATT. It is called the “Agreement on the Implementation of the Article VI of the 1994 GATT” (hereinafter referred to as “Anti-Dumping”). Code). All members of the GATT