近年来,中国的文艺理论家、评论家、作家和艺术家的著作中,常提到“文学属于人学范畴”这一命题,有时并不标明引自高尔基的原著,甚至不加引号地作为自己的观点,翻译时把这句内涵丰富的话,以民族的语言结构形式,着重强调成: “文学即入学”。这一论断,就中国近代文艺状况来说,也可以说确实是一种创见。当然,文学与艺术,在任何情况下都不可能不涉及到人,即使在中国中世纪时期的诗人描绘纯自然景色的“山水诗”中,也必然包含着人的感受,把自然景色性灵化。尽管如此,但
In recent years, the works of literary theorists, critics, writers and artists in China often referred to the proposition that “literature belongs to the category of human beings.” Sometimes it does not indicate the original works quoted from Gorky or even quoted As their own point of view, when translating this sentence with rich connotations, the language structure of the nation is emphatically emphasized: “Literature means admission”. This assertion, as far as the status of Chinese modern art and literature is concerned, is indeed a kind of creation. Of course, literature and art can not in any case not involve people. Even in the “landscape poems” of pure natural scenery, the poets in the Middle Ages in China also inevitably contained the feelings of the human being, The In spite of this, however