联合国教科文组织首批公布的“人类口头遗产和非物质遗产代表作”中,我国的昆曲在首批19个项目中荣登榜首,这对我国昆曲界震动极大。新中国第一代昆曲演员、被誉为“挑大梁”的浙江新昌籍上海昆剧团演员梁谷音,最近回新昌老家探亲,讲述了她赴台湾讲学时三见蒋纬国先生的情景。 1993年5月下旬,梁谷音应台湾中华文化基金会和中央大学之邀,赴台湾讲学。临行时,受上海黄埔同学会之托,希望她到台湾讲学中,抽时间拜会台湾
Among the first published “Representatives of Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humankind”, Kunqu Opera in our country tops the first batch of 19 projects, which greatly shocked Kunqu Opera in China. The first generation of Kunqu opera actress in New China, Liang Guanyin, an actor in Shanghai Kunju troupe of Zhejiang Xinchang who is known as the “Big Leader,” recently returned home to visit her home in Xincun and told her about her visit to Taiwan when she met with Mr. Jiang Weiguo. In late May 1993, Liang Guyin was invited by Taiwan Foundation for Chinese Culture and Central University to go to Taiwan to give lectures. At the time of departure, she was supported by the Shanghai Huangpu Collegiate Church and hoped she would lecture in Taiwan and take the time to visit Taiwan