
来源 :金田 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chijr
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中国的戏剧在漫长的发展过程中,其形成了表演上的程式化和规范化,尽管各地方的剧种表演的方式不同,所以规范化的形式就会有所差别,但是它们同时又有着精彩的做工,一举一动、一招一式都是经过认真加工和认真的处理的,堪称无动不舞。在一定的意义上来说,同时这也正是中国戏曲在表演上最重要的、也是最引人注目的共性之一。而透过这种舞蹈气息浓重的表演方式,我们还需要了解戏剧表演的舞蹈化是受到身段的制约的,而身段并不是单纯的舞蹈,它与舞蹈之间有着若即 In the long process of development, Chinese drama has formed the stylized and standardized performances. Although the forms of the local operas vary from place to place, the forms of standardization will be different, but at the same time they also have wonderful workmanship, Every move, one by one are carefully processed and seriously dealt with, called indifferent dance. In a certain sense, this is also one of the most important and most striking common features of Chinese opera. Through such a breath-taking performance of dance, we also need to understand that the performance of theatrical performance is restricted by the figure, while the figure is not a pure dance.
这是一部倾情为中国代言的广告片!  美国农民在美国大农村随手掏出一张中国建设银行的卡去取钱,两个美国小青年去买必备品,却买回来几瓶中文标注的安利纽崔莱,还扭一扭,搅一搅。“光头”逃难去房顶的时候,从冰箱里拿出一盒伊利舒化奶喝了一口,然后镜头给了一个超大的几乎布满屏幕的特写……这片子的植入广告看得叫人想吐。  在广告里插播变形金刚剧情也就罢了,好歹为中国各大企业做出点贡献,但你好歹弄点有内容的剧情吧