98年春节,我独自在海南三亚度假。白天,徜徉于天涯海角的椰风海韵之中,夜晚,则打开随身携带的笔记本电脑,通过当地163拨号上网,到 Internet那个更广大、更神奇的世界畅游。我轻易地找到了自己想去的地方,那是一个著名的交友网站。我看到一个署名Lucy、在北京某外企工作的女孩,她的自我介绍有点对我口味,而且她在介绍情况后的简短留言里说:“最近不忙,想找个人聊聊。”考虑了一下,我决定就从这里下手。按照网页上自动提供的对方 E-mail 地址,我当即发出了表示回应的电子邮件。由此,我们很快认识了,好像有点一拍即合,一发不可收拾的样子。借助 Inter-net,我们展开了频繁的旷日持久的书信来往,从开始的新鲜、奇妙,到后来逐步了解、无话不谈,不仅始终友好,而且信任、好感与日俱
98 Spring Festival, I am alone in Hainan Sanya vacation. During the day, wandering around the ends of the earth in the coconut Rhine among the night, then open portable laptop, through the local 163 dial-up Internet, to the Internet that a larger, more magical world. I easily find where I want to go, it is a famous dating site. I saw a girl named Lucy, who works in a foreign company in Beijing. Her self-introduction is a little bit of my taste, and in a brief message after her introduction, she said: “I was not busy recently, and I wanted to talk to someone.” Considered a moment, I decided to start from here. According to the web address automatically provided by the other E-mail address, I immediately sent a response to the e-mail. As a result, we quickly recognized, it seems a little hit it off, get out of control. With Inter-net, we carried out frequent and protracted correspondence, from the beginning of fresh, wonderful, and then gradually understand, nothing to talk about, not only always friendly, but also trust, favor with the day