
来源 :中国媒介生物学及控制杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:thomas012
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目的探讨山东省不同地区淡色库蚊核糖体DNA第二内转录间隔区(rDNA-ITS2)基因序列特征,分析其遗传变异。方法在山东省的济南、济宁、青岛、聊城、临沂、淄博市以及江苏省南京市采集淡色库蚊成蚊,并取实验室选育的抗氯氰菊酯与抗敌敌畏品系成蚊,提取蚊虫DNA,PCR扩增淡色库蚊的r DNA-ITS2,PCR产物纯化后连接至p MD19-T载体进行基因测序,生物信息学分析r DNA-ITS2基因多态性。结果 PCR特异扩增山东省6个不同地理株及南京市和实验室2个不同品系的淡色库蚊r DNA-ITS2区域,获得460 bp左右的扩增片段。测序结果显示淡色库蚊r DNA-ITS2出现36个变异位点,表现出基因的多态性,其r DNA-ITS2基因单核苷酸存在转换、颠换和缺失。结论山东省不同地理区域和不同抗性的淡色库蚊在r DNA-ITS2区出现遗传多态性,可能与蚊虫生态环境有一定的关系。 Objective To investigate the sequence of rDNA-ITS2 gene of ribosomal DNA of Culex pipiens pallens in different areas of Shandong Province and analyze its genetic variation. Methods Adult mosquitoes of Culex pipiens pallens were collected from Jinan, Jining, Qingdao, Liaocheng, Linyi, Zibo, and Nanjing of Jiangsu Province. The mosquitoes were extracted from mosquitoes by PCR The PCR products of rDNA-ITS2 of Culex pipiens pallens were amplified and then ligated to p-MD19-T vector for gene sequencing. Bioinformatics analysis of r DNA-ITS2 gene polymorphism was performed. Results PCR amplification of rDNA-ITS2 region of 6 Culex pipiens pallens from 6 different geographical isolates in Shandong Province and 2 different strains in Nanjing and laboratories resulted in the amplification of 460 bp. Sequencing results showed that there were 36 mutation sites in DNA-ITS2 of Culex pipiens pallens, which showed polymorphism of the gene. The single nucleotide of rDNA-ITS2 gene was transposed, transposed and deleted. Conclusion Genetic diversity of Culex pipiens pallens from different geographical regions and different resistant areas in Shandong province was observed in rDNA-ITS2 region, which may be related to the ecological environment of mosquitoes.
3月19日 晴  伊万是一名非洲裔移民到美国的男孩,他在纽约迈斯特中学读八年级。迈斯特中学大多数是白人学生,其他从亚洲和非洲移民来的学生很少。伊万尽管学习很好,但因为是一名非洲裔,常常受到白人学生的欺侮,那些白人学生平时不好学习,破坏校风校纪,把欺侮伊万当作享乐。  一次考试,伊万又是全班第一名,那些白人学生立刻在下面起哄,冷嘲热讽不绝于耳。对此,伊万早已习以为常,他依然专心致志地看着书。突然,不
1月27日 晴  大年三十,街上一群小孩围成圈放鞭炮,噼里啪啦地响。点点星火合着车灯与霓虹,夜,显得格外的亮。走到外婆家楼下,浓浓的菜香透过红围巾扑鼻而来,三步并两步踏上楼梯,推开门,回家过年。  餐厅的圆桌上早已摆满各种美味,也少不了大人的白酒,小孩的橙汁。摆在正中间的,依旧是外婆做的五元鸡。饭前喝一碗五元鸡汤,已是年夜饭的传统了。喝上一口,甜在舌尖,暖到心里。  做一碗五元鸡,需要多种食材。包