
来源 :中国刑事警察 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:grant121
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派出所如何建设成为适应社会主义市场经济需要的、能有效维护一方平安的、多功能综合性的战斗实体?最近,笔者到一些派出所作了一次调查。通过调查,得到了一些启示。(一)江西省宜春地区自1989年以来,各派出所先后开展了“三年跨出三大步”的工作改革和“达标”活动。这一活动使该地区的公安基层基础工作得到了有计划、有步骤的加强。基层警力得到充实,装备明显改善,业务建设取得可喜成绩,派出所工作活力不断增强。——全区共有167个派出所,全区城镇、农村、江湖水域、主要林区、企业单位及重点工程、集贸市场的治安已全部纳入派出所管理范围,管辖网络已经形成。——全区派出所的警力占干警总数的比例由37.2%上升到49%。有的县、市已按1∶1的比例配置;全区173名所长、指导员已全部按副科级配备,每个城镇派出所警力都在10人以上,农村派出所警力已达到5人。——全区派出所警用汽车平均每所达到1.1辆,摩托车每 How to build a police station to meet the needs of the socialist market economy, which can effectively maintain a safe, multi-functional and comprehensive combat entity? Recently, I made a survey to some police stations. Through the investigation, got some inspiration. (I) Yichun Prefecture, Jiangxi Province Since 1989, the police stations have successively carried out the work reforms and the “standard” activities of “three major strides in three years”. This activity has brought about a planned and step-by-step enhancement of the grass-roots work in public security in the region. The police at the grassroots level have been substantiated, the equipment has been significantly improved, the gratifying achievements have been made in business construction, and the vitality of the police station has been continuously enhanced. - There are a total of 167 police stations in the whole district. The law and order of urban and rural areas, rivers and lakes, major forest areas, business units, key projects and bazaars in the region have all been included in the police station management and the jurisdictional network has been formed. - The ratio of police force to police officers in the police stations in the entire district increased from 37.2% to 49%. Some counties and cities have been arranged according to the ratio of 1: 1; the region’s 173 director, instructor has been equipped with all grades, police forces in each town are more than 10 people, police station in rural areas has reached 5 police forces. - The police station in the district police station average 1.1 vehicles per ride, each motorcycle
“创新”早已成为人们经济生活中一个无所不在、无处不闻的热词,但创新绝非一句口号,一个招牌。在新的市场环境下,创新是一种思维习惯,一种生存智慧,更是一种竞争工具,一种实践行动。一个国家缺乏创新战略就必然要落后于世界,一个企业缺乏创新行动就注定要被竞争对手所超越,一个人缺乏创新观念也必然要被时代所抛弃。毫无疑义,在当今,创新已经成为人们改变现状、把握未来的理性思想和科学方法。  从总体上看,创新不足仍
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网络革命即将来临 随着科技进步,对企业的组织运作、竞争环节、业务营运等方面的经营管理提出许多科学话题,其主要话题为“网络革命”。企业如果不在近年内进入互联网络,10
一场世界台球冠军争夺赛正在举行,名将路易斯一路领先,突然,他看见一只苍蝇停在主球上,便挥手将苍蝇赶走。可当他俯身击球时,那只苍蝇又飞回到主球上,他只好再一次起身撵走苍蝇。  就在路易斯第三次击球时,苍蝇又停到了主球上,观众不由哄堂大笑。路易斯的情绪糟到了极点,顿时失去理智,愤怒地用球杆去击打苍蝇。  球杆碰到了主球,裁判判路易斯击球,他因此失去了一轮机会,这使他方寸大乱,连连失利,而他的对手则愈战
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