互联网络的迅猛发展正强烈地改变着人们的工作模式和生活方式。即便是在通讯领域,也发生了一场前所未有的“通信革命”。IP电话的出现,直接威胁了国际长途电话的利益,对传统国际长途电话业务提出了挑战,它使徘徊在金钱与时间两难处境中的人们看到了一丝希望的曙光。 什么是IP电话 IP(网际协议)是使全世界的网络都能实现互通的规程。IP电话即为基于网际协议的网络通话和数据通信,IP电话也称为Internet电话。它不仅仅可以在PC之间进行,而且能够在传统的电话之
The rapid development of the Internet is strongly changing the way people work and lifestyles. Even in the communications field, an unprecedented “communications revolution” took place. The advent of IP telephony has directly threatened the interests of international long distance calls and posed challenges to the traditional international long distance telephone service. It has given hope to those hovering in the dilemma of money and time. What is IP Telephony IP (Internet Protocol) is a protocol that enables networks across the world to communicate with each other. IP phones are internet protocol based internet and data communications, and IP telephony is also called internet telephony. It can not only be done between PCs, but also over traditional phones