四年前,襄阳县人武部营院破旧、设施残缺、人心不齐……如今,展现在人们眼前的襄阳县人武部,营院整洁、现代化办公训练设施齐全,人心稳定,精神抖擞。 缘何变化如此之大?带着这一疑问,笔者到襄阳县进行了采访。得知,人武部的巨大变化,离不开“第一书记”的领导,一砖一瓦离不开县委、县政府的关心和支持。 1996年,人武部归建之初,为适应人武部正规化建设的要求,时任县长的谢光国两次到人武部现场办
Four years ago, the Xiangyang County People’s Armed Forces camp was old, incomplete and inhospitable. Nowadays, the Xiangyang County People’s Armed Police Department and the camp show clean and tidy modern-day office training facilities and are full of people’s heart and energy. Why change so much? With this question, I conducted an interview in Xiangyang. That great changes in people’s armed forces, inseparable from the “First Secretary,” the leadership, one can not do without brick and tile county party committee and government’s concern and support. In 1996, at the beginning of the establishment of the People’s Armed Forces Department, in order to meet the requirements of the formalization of the Armed Forces Department, Xie Guangguo, then county magistrate, went to the scene of the Armed Police Department twice