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搜寻大型企业原始创新的具体路径,有助于为企业原始创新能力升级提供更清晰的逻辑脉络。为深度剖析大型企业原始创新的动力作用效果和路径,在运用面板数据模型验证各主要动力源对企业原创活动驱动效果的基础上,借助中介效应检验程序,搜寻动力中介效应路径。研究结果表明:我国主要存在企业自动力交互驱动原始创新、企业自动力带动需求导向拉动力、同时部分带动政策导向推动力驱动原始创新、需求导向拉动力带动企业自动力驱动原始创新、政策导向推动力部分带动企业自动力驱动原始创新这四种动力中介效应路径形式。外部动力交互驱动原始创新作为企业原始创新的重要支撑路径,亟待开拓。 Search for specific path of the original innovation of large enterprises, help to provide a clearer logical context for upgrading the original innovation ability of enterprises. In order to deeply analyze the motivation effect and path of original innovation in large enterprises, the paper uses panel data model to verify the driving effect of each main power source on the original activity of enterprises and through the intermediary effect test procedure to search for the path of dynamic agent effect. The results show that: the main existence of China’s auto-interaction of enterprises driven by the original innovation, driven by demand-driven enterprises auto force, while some driven policy-driven to promote the original innovation-driven, driven by demand-led enterprises to drive the initiative of auto-innovation, policy guidance to promote Part of the driving force of enterprise driven by the original innovation of these four forms of dynamic intermediary path. External Motivation Interaction Drives Original Innovation As an important support path for the original innovation of enterprises, it is urgent to open up.
[摘 要] 本文以伊犁地区的鲜食葡萄为研究对象,探讨其生产现状以及发展前景,以期为该产业的发展提供有价值的参考依据。  [关键词] 伊犁地区 鲜食葡萄 生产现状 发展前景  [中图分类号] S663.1 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1003-1650 (2017)02-0044-01  1 伊犁地区鲜食葡萄生产概况  伊犁地区位于中国西北边陲,在新疆的西北部。该地区是国内葡萄最大的产区,而主