Scrotal content inspection, mainly by palpation and transillumination. However, when epididymal lesions or hydrocephalus and other lesions can hinder the testicular palpation or scrotal transillumination can not be displayed, then you need to use the imaging examination to make the correct diagnosis. The gonads are particularly sensitive to radiation, it is not appropriate to use radiation diagnostic methods. Scrotal ultrasound image of the contents of the ultrasound examination is a reliable non-invasive method of imaging, it has no radiation problems, even if there Gao lesions outside the lesions such as hydrocephalus, such as epididymal lesions still clear Testes to show the situation and to determine the presence or absence of tumor, and even reliably show small inaccessible testicular lesions. This method can help decide whether to use conservative treatment of scrotum disease or surgical treatment, suitable for routine diagnosis in urology widely used.