本项研究目的在于探明烟草根结线虫(Meloidogyne incignita Chitwood)与烟草黑胫病(Phytophthora parasitica Var·nicotianae)之间的相互关系.试验用抗黑胫病品种——斯佩特G140(Speight Gl40)在烟草根结线虫与烟草黑胫病并发发严重的地块,用铁灭克(Temik)和瑞毒霉(Ridomil)分别防治根结线虫和黑胫病,或两药并用兼治两病,以不防治为对照.结果表明,烟草黑胫病的发生程度(y)与烟草根结线虫病情(x)之间具有正相关关系,相关系数γ=0.755,决定系数γ~2=0.570,说明本试验中烟草黑胫病病情有57%是由根结线虫引起的.进一步推导出经验回归方程y=6.753+0.395X,此方程可描述烟草根结线虫削弱烟草对黑胫病抗病性的量变关系,对防治决策有一定参考价值.
The purpose of this study was to determine the correlation between Meloidogyne incignita Chitwood and Phytophthora parasitica Var. Nicotianae.The experiment was conducted with Spearman Gl40 (Speight Gl40 ) In the tobacco root-knot nematode and tobacco black shank disease and serious hair plot, the use of Temik (Temik) and Ridomil (Ridomil) were control of root-knot nematode and black shank, or both drugs with both disease, The results showed that there was a positive correlation between the incidence of tobacco black shank (y) and the infection of root-knot nematode (x), the correlation coefficient γ = 0.755, the determination coefficient γ ~ 2 = 0.570, indicating that In this study, 57% of tobacco black shank disease was caused by root-knot nematode.Furthermore, empirical regression equation was derived as y = 6.753 + 0.395X, which could describe that tobacco root-knot nematode weakened the resistance of tobacco to black shank Quantitative relationship between the prevention and treatment of decision-making have some reference value.