国家火炬计划软件产业基地骨干企业认定条件和办法 第一条为规范国家火炬计划软件产业基地(以下简称软件基地)骨干企业的管理,促进中国软件产业的发展,根据国科发火字(2000)337号文件《国家火炬计划软件产业基地的认定条件和办法》的有关规定,制定本办法。 第二条科学技术部火炬高技术产业开发中心(以下简称科技部火炬中心)归口管理软件基地骨干企业的认定工作;科学技术部火炬中心计算机软件处负责该项工作的日常管理。
State Torch Program Software Industry Base The key conditions and methods for the identification of key enterprises are the first to standardize the management of the national Torch Program software industry base (hereinafter referred to as software base) backbone enterprises, and to promote the development of China’s software industry, according to the State Branch Fire Letter (2000)337 The relevant provisions of the numbered document “Certification Conditions and Measures for the National Torch Plan Software Industry Base” shall be formulated. Article 2 The Torch High-tech Industry Development Center of the Ministry of Science and Technology (hereinafter referred to as the Torch Center of the Ministry of Science and Technology) is responsible for the identification of key enterprises in the management software base; the Computer Software Division of the Torch Center of the Ministry of Science and Technology is responsible for the daily management of this work.