张皓(子旭)同志的新著《儿女清长话红楼》近由华中理工大学出版社出版。该书别具一格,以“情”为红线将《红楼梦》的妙处悠悠话出,读来耳目一一新,意味深长。 全书共分三大部分,三十六节,每节均有诗意化的标题及小标题。各节自成一篇,而又有机组合成为谈情品美的网络结构。第一部分由“回味不尽的儿女情”到“红楼情痴抱恨长”,系总说“情文化”,“情崇拜”,“情缘”,“情痴”与女儿情。第二部分仿拟“情榜”,逐一评说“红楼儿女”,由宝玉“情不情”,黛玉
Zhang Hao (Zixu) Comrade’s new “Children’s Qinglianloulou” published by Huazhong University of Science and Technology Press. The book is unique, with “love” as the red line of “Dream of Red Mansions,” the beauty of leisurely words out, read everything new and meaningful. The book is divided into three parts, thirty-six, each section has a poetic title and subtitle. Each section of a self-contained, and organic combination into a network of emotional beauty. The first part from the “endless aftertaste of children and adolescents” to “love and hatred of the Red Chamber”, the Department said “love culture”, “love worship”, “love”, “love” and daughter love. The second part of the imitation of “love standings”, one by one comment on “Red House children”, by the gem “love”, Daiyu