In response to Gadamer’s direct emphasis on the direct relationship between the two parties to the dialogue, Honnet advocated the establishment of a mediator between the parties to the dialogue. This third party not only refers to the universal ethics, that is, the external moral restraint that both parties to the dialogue follow, but also refers to the internal moral awareness, that is, the approval and acceptance of ethics formed by the two parties from their respective standpoints. At the same time, the third party also refers to the specific moral situation, that is, both parties to the dialogue determine their attitudes and practices on each other according to their applicability to each other according to moral norms. Therefore, this third party refers to the reciprocal mediation between moral norms and moral consciousness and moral situation, that is, the reciprocal movement of the other and the other. Such a kind of reciprocating movement enriches the content of the relationship between the subjects, abolishes the directness of the Gadamer’s assertion of the inter-subject relationship, and compensates for the shortcomings of short-range hermeneutics to a certain extent by means of long-distance hermeneutics.