潜水泵以它的体积小、重量轻及安装方便等优点,赢得了广大农民朋友的欢迎,并得以广泛地使用.但因它直接浸在水中,烧毁事故也不断发生.因此在使用运行中应注意以下几个方面:1 正确使用潜水泵1.1 潜水泵应垂直吊起浸入水中,且不少于0.5米.1.2 严禁在泥沙含量较大的水质中运行,以延长潜水泵的使用寿命.1.3 在河渠、池塘等杂草、杂物较多的水域使用时,应在泵体进水处围一层护网.如铁丝网、竹筐等,防止杂草、杂物堵塞水泵叶轮而烧毁潜水泵.1.4 潜水泵再次使用前要用1 000伏以下兆欧表摇测一下定子绕组对地、相间绝缘.若大于0.5兆欧可下水使用,否则必须作干燥处理.2 潜水泵运行中的维护、保养
Submersible pump with its small size, light weight and easy installation, has won the majority of farmers and friends welcomed and widely used, but because it is directly immersed in water, burned accidents have also occurred in the use of the operation should Pay attention to the following aspects: 1 Proper use of submersible pumps 1.1 Submersible pumps should be vertically lifted immersed in water, and not less than 0.5 m 1.2 Never operate in water with a high sediment content to prolong the life of the submersible pump.1.3 In the canals, ponds and other weeds, debris and more use of waters, the pump body should be surrounded by a protective layer of water infiltration, such as barbed wire, bamboo baskets, etc., to prevent weeds, debris clogging the pump impeller and burned submersible pumps .1.4 submersible pump before use again with 000 volts megger below the megger to measure the stator windings on the ground, phase insulation. If greater than 0.5 megohm can be used for water, or they must be dried .2 submersible pump operation in the maintenance, maintenance