For a long time, in the mining industry, the rock drilling method, there are three types of rotary, impact and rotary impact. Rotary rock drilling for soft rock drilling. Rock exceeds a certain hardness, if still use rotary drilling, you need to increase the propulsion, it is necessary to install large and complex machines. In addition, the bit wear very fast, reaching the point where it can not be remedied. Therefore, the impact type has been used for hard rock drilling for a long time. The advantage of percussive rock drilling is the extremely small wear of the drill head. The disadvantage is that the drilling speed is far less than the speed of rotary rock drilling. Swing impact rock drilling is continuous and continuous impact rock crushing, which combines the advantages of both rotary drilling and percussion drilling, resulting in a higher drilling speed, without having to be too large Propulsion, bit wear is not serious. In the early 1950s, the Westdelung coal mine began drilling with a pneumatic rotary rock drill, which doubles its drilling speed by up to three times the rate of a conventional pneumatic rock hammer, but its air flow consumption is tripled.