Chinese animation design inspired by the ancient Chinese civilization. Chinese civilization, also known as Chinese civilization. It is one of the oldest civilizations in the world and the longest-lasting civilization in the world. Chinese civilization is rooted in vast expanses of land in East Asia. The Chinese nation has relocated from earth and land and loves peace. Chinese civilization is essentially a “civilized” civilization. Harmony is a higher and more beautiful position on the basis of peace, including the harmony between man and nature, the harmony between people, and the harmony of individuals themselves. Chinese civilization is also a highly inclusive civilization. The Chinese people often use “henna rivers” to describe a person’s tolerance. These four words can also be used to describe the character of Chinese civilization. Modern archeology shows that the existence of Chinese civilization in prehistoric times was not the same as the one in its own right, but a manifestation of the diversity of civilizations like the astrology. The ink animation interprets the diversity of civilizations from another perspective and shows the ideological features of the Chinese people constantly changing, constantly updating and advancing with the times.