“买了后悔了,后悔买少了!当时还是因为对新鲜事物不懂。”邓星文说,“但是,不管怎样,以后的方向必然还是要环保、清洁,我们会继续想办法尝试购置各种新能源客车。”早晨从长沙出发,驱车西南行驶240km,到达邵阳,再一路向西,到隆回县又要60 km,勉勉强强赶上了中午的饭点。如此偏远的湘西南腹地的一个县城,竟然也拥有了自己的混合动力公交车,除了隆回是魏源的家乡,是“花瑶”的渊薮之外,这不啻为此行的最大发现。
“Regret to buy less! Or because of new things do not know. ” Deng Xingwen said, “However, in any case, the future direction is bound to environmental protection, clean, we will continue to find ways to try to purchase All kinds of new energy bus. ”Morning departure from Changsha, drove 240km southwest, arrived in Shaoyang, and then west, to Longhui County and 60 km, barely caught the noon meal. So far a county in the hinterland of southwestern Hunan, even have their own hybrid bus, in addition to Longhui is Wei Yuan’s hometown, is “Huayao ” Yuan Yuan, this is not the greatest discovery for this trip.