John Kirk was a former CIA agent who is now the boss of a small private intelligence unit in Florida, the International Research Group. Not long ago he was flown to Russia by a U.S. telecommunications company to find out exactly who wanted to scam the company for its $ 300 million investment. The company intends to use the money to work together to develop an advanced communications system. Kirk and his assistants are former agents who worked for the CIA, the FBI or the KGB. Through their old networks in Russia, they found that a large telecommunications company in St. Petersburg, a partner of the American company, has fallen into the grip of a holding company. Backstage owners of the holding company include government officials, ex-KGB members and Russian mafia elements who together crafted a clever scheme to defraud the money and technology of that American company and other Western businesses. Kirk found in the investigation that the holding company had successfully defrauded a total of 25 million U.S. dollars from a Canadian digital and satellite communications equipment company. Other victims include a mobile communications equipment company in Denmark, a satellite communications company in the United Kingdom and a Finnish fiber company that have lost millions of dollars. In a secret investigation of trade secrets, Kirk is not the only film. As the “Cold War” ended, intelligence agencies in various countries of the world were slashing jobs and tens of thousands of spies were forced to “divert” them from stealing state machines