
来源 :艺术教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wulixx
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文章针对应用型本科院校环艺专业本科生培养方针总体方向,对理论素养和实践能力综合培养的教学模式与方法展开探索。在室内设计行业发展不断受到外来文化冲击与持续低迷经济等因素的影响下,作者认为通过大量实地调研,解析高校培养与行业实际需求的偏差,提出室内设计系列课程的再次定位与改革,以培养具备多元化知识结构学生为己任,强调课程评价体系的多维实践性,实现教学的实际意义,才能够真正满足岗位需求与人才培养相契合这一最终目标。 The article aims at the general direction of the undergraduate education of undergraduates majoring in applied undergraduate education and explores the teaching modes and methods of comprehensive cultivation of theoretical accomplishment and practical ability. Under the influence of external cultural impact and continuous economic downturn, the author believes that through a large number of field research, analyzing the deviation between college training and the actual demand of the industry, the author proposes that the series of interior design should be reoriented and reformed in order to cultivate It is the responsibility of students with diversified knowledge structure to emphasize the multidimensional practicality of curriculum evaluation system and realize the practical significance of teaching so as to truly meet the ultimate goal of meeting the needs of post and personnel training.
摘 要:写作能力不仅是对学生语文水平评价的重要方面,写作教学更是小学语文教学过程中的主要内容。就此,笔者对小学语文的写作教学方法做了一次研究,并得出一些有益的结论。  关键词:小学语文;写作;教学方法  作文教学越来越成为小学语文教学中不可或缺的重要环节。学生写作水平和写作能力的高低通常影响到语文知识及语文素养的综合水平,可见写作教学的重要性。但是,写作也是教师和学生都很头疼的问题。本文针对这一问