Chemkin4.1 chemical kinetics software and plunger reaction model based on detailed reaction mechanism were used to study the mechanism and numerical simulation of the NO reaction of biomass pyrolysis gas and its component gas for reburning reduction. The characteristics and main reactions of NO reduction of CH4, CO and H2 with different components of the re-fueling gas were obtained. The optimal NO reduction efficiency of CH4 was obtained and the optimum reaction temperature was given. Due to the higher gas phase yield of straw and the more CH4 content in the pyrolysis gas, the denitrification rate of straw by pyrolysis gas is higher than that of rice husk under certain reaction conditions. The oxygen content in the inlet flue gas has an important effect on the denitrification rate. When the oxygen content is higher, the reactive groups that greatly affect the NO reduction will be oxidized to a large extent, reducing the denitrification rate. The calculated results show that CH4 is the main component of the pyrolysis gas for reburning NO, while the composition of CO and H2 is less affected. Through sensitivity analysis, we found that O and OH are the main free radicals during biomass pyrolysis gas reaction, and CHi + NO and HCCO + NO are the main ways to consume NO.