佛肚树Jatropha podagrica Hook.大戟科疯树属肉质灌木,茎干矮肥,肉质,基部膨大,好似弥勒佛的肚子而得名。叶掌状盾形3~5裂,叶痕大。花聚生于枝顶,橙红色,五瓣,花梗分枝似红珊瑚,故又有珊瑚花之称。由于它形态奇特,花色鲜艳,一年四季开花不断,因此受到人们青睐。佛肚树原产中美洲或南美洲热带地区,性喜阳光,最适宜在22℃~28℃的环境中生长。佛肚树性耐干旱,生长期浇水,应见干见湿,尤其是秋冬季节气温较低时应减少浇水,
Buddha belly tree Jatropha podagrica Hook. Euphorbiaceae mad tree genus shrubs, stalks short fat, succulent, the base of the enlargement, like the belly of Maitreya named. Leaves palm-shaped shield 3 to 5 crack, leaf mark large. Polygonatum flowers at the top, orange red, five, pedicel branches like red coral, so there are coral flowers called. Because of its peculiar shape, vivid colors, flowering all year round, so by people. Buddha belly tree native to Central America or South America tropical regions, like the sun, the most suitable in 22 ℃ ~ 28 ℃ environment for growth. Buddha belly tree resistance to drought, watering the growth period, should see dry to see wet, especially in autumn and winter temperatures should be reduced when the water temperature is low,