一、地理环境: 图们口岸位于吉林省延边朝鲜族自治州,包括图们市、珲春县、龙井县、和龙县,总人口数约80万。这一市三县均有国境口岸与朝鲜民主主义人民共和国相通。境内西高东低,山地面积较大,西部的长白山是东北的最高峰,其主峰海拔为2744米,余者多在600—1000米,森林茂密。东部海拔约在100米左右,地势平缓。属于温带大陆性季风气候,春季风大干燥;夏季多雨湿热;秋季凉爽多雾;冬季漫长而寒冷。最高气温可达35—37℃,最低气温在零下33—40℃,年平均相对湿度为68%,年平均气温2—6℃。年平均降水量500—800毫米。九月中旬常见早霜,无霜期约111—150天,霜冻
First, the geographical environment: Tumen port is located in Yanbian Korean Autonomous Prefecture in Jilin Province, including Tumen City, Qichun County, Longjing County, and Long County, the total population of about 800,000. All three counties in this city have border crossings with the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea. The territory of West High East low mountains larger, the western Changbai Mountain is the highest peak in Northeast China, the main peak of 2744 meters above sea level, the remaining more in 600-1000 meters, dense forests. The eastern elevation of about 100 meters, flat terrain. Belongs to the temperate continental monsoon climate, the spring monsoon is dry; wet and rainy summer; autumn cool and foggy; long winter and cold. The highest temperature of 35-37 ℃, the lowest temperature in minus 33-40 ℃, the average annual relative humidity of 68%, the annual average temperature of 2-6 ℃. The average annual rainfall of 500-800 mm. Common early frost in mid-September, frost-free period of about 111-150 days