互联网在短短的时间内由Web 1.0到Web 2.0又到Web 3.0,迅速实现了多次革命性飞跃。在电视的发展越来越打上网络烙印的背景下,按照网络的思维方式梳理电视活动的发展脉络,不但能够更好地体现传统媒体与新媒体融合的趋势,更重要的是能够拓展电视活动思维的视野,用对新媒体所带来的新理念等新生事物的兼容并蓄进一步增强电视媒体的核心竞争力。基于此,可以作出判断,电视活动历史演变的脚步开始踏入3.0阶段。
In just a short period of time, the Internet has rapidly taken a number of revolutionary leaps from Web 1.0 to Web 2.0 to Web 3.0. In the context of the development of television playing more and more network branded background, according to the way of thinking of the network combing the development context of television activities, not only to better reflect the traditional media and new media convergence trend, more importantly, to expand the activities of television thinking Vision to further enhance the core competitiveness of the television media by embracing new things such as new media brought about by new media. Based on this, you can make judgments, the historical evolution of television activities began to enter the stage 3.0.