进口铜精矿统一运作— 漫长而艰难的推进 我国已进入全面建设小康社会的新阶段。新阶段、新方略、新目标对我国铜工业必将提出更新、更高的要求。但是,铜工业所需要的原料却严重短缺,自给率不足一半,对外依存度近年呈逐渐加大之势。随着世界经济衰退而引发的矿铜产量下降、铜原料加工费下跌以及一些主要产铜国(如智利、澳大利亚)和发展中国家(如印度)因调整结构,减少矿铜出口、加大精炼铜出口,又加剧了铜原料供应的紧张和冶炼企业经济效益的下滑,制约着我国铜工业的发展。
Imported Copper Concentrates Operate in Unison - A Long And Difficult Propulsion China has entered a new phase of building an overall well-to-do society. The new stage, the new strategy, the new target of China’s copper industry will certainly put forward newer and higher requirements. However, the raw materials needed by the copper industry are in serious shortage, with the self-sufficiency rate being less than half and the dependence on foreign countries gradually increasing in recent years. With the global economic downturn caused by the decline in production of copper and copper, copper raw materials processing fees fell and some major copper producing countries (such as Chile, Australia) and developing countries (such as India) due to adjust the structure, reduce copper exports, increase refining Copper exports, but also exacerbated the tight supply of copper raw materials and smelting enterprises in the economic decline, restricting the development of China’s copper industry.