
来源 :航空史研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:meiwanmeiliao2
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如果不是亲眼所见,我们万万不会相信,一个人口不足23万,偏居闽西北一个隅的山区小县,竟然在同时代里诞生出国共两党两位空军界的少将司令来!在沙县,从银丝飘曳的老者到山野村姑,人们对这从山旮旯里飞向蔚蓝天空的国共空军司令,都那么津津乐道.刘牧群,1906年出生于沙县凤岗镇龙池坊(今城关府东路)一个经营笋、纸的小商贩家庭,从小勤勉好学,从凤岗小学毕业后,先后考入福州英华书院、国民党空军军官学校学习,后辗转就职于国民党空军界,于1948年被授予少将军衔,任国民党空军训练司令.在故乡人眼里,刘牧群最值得称道的是,1937年春回乡省亲时除暴安良的那桩义举.当时,驻沙县的国民党荣誉军人第八教养院伤兵抢人钱财,奸人妻女,聚赌放债,强买强卖,横霸乡里,无恶不作.刘牧群闻知 If we do not see it with our own eyes, we absolutely will not believe that a small mountainous county, with a population of less than 230,000 and a corner in the northwestern part of Fujian Province, was even born in the same era with the commanders of the two major air forces in the two countries. In Shaxian County, from the old man floating in silky silk to the mountain village and village girl, all these people commented on the Kuomintang-Air Force commander who flew from the mountain to the blue sky. Liu Muqun was born in Longchi Square in Fenggang Town, Shaxian County in 1906 Fu Dong Road) A small bamboo shooter, paper trader family, grew up diligently studious, after graduating from Fenggang Primary School, has entered the Fuzhou Yinghua College, KMT Air Force officers and schools, later worked in the KMT Air Force, in 1948 Was awarded the rank of major general, as commander of the KMT Air Forces in the eyes of the hometown, the most commendable Liu Herun is the return of the pro-amity when returning home in the spring of 1937, when the injure of the KMT Honorary Army Eighth Rehabilitation Hospital in Xingsha Grab money, adulteress wife and daughter, poly gambling debt, strong buy and sell, horizontal tyrants Township, no evil.
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