亚洲棉(Gossypium arboreum L.2n=26)和陆地棉(G.hirsutum L.2n=52)的染色体组分别为A_2和(AD)_(10)为了转移亚洲棉种质于陆地棉中,或培育细胞质雄性不育系,常须以亚洲棉做母体与陆地棉杂交。但由于这两个种在染色体数目上和染色体结构上的差异,杂交很难成功,成铃率仅0.1%左右。以秋水仙素诱变亚洲棉而获得同源四倍体亚洲棉(2n=52)后,再授以陆地棉花粉,成铃率则显著提高,一般在30%以上。孙济中等四年研究的结果,成铃率在0—42.1%之间。
The genomes of Gossypium arboreum L.2n = 26 and G.hirsutum L.2n = 52 were A_2 and (AD) _ (10), respectively. In order to transfer A. umbellatus germplasm to Upland cotton, or To cultivate cytoplasmic male sterile lines, it is often necessary to cross between Asian cotton and Upland cotton. However, due to the differences in the number of chromosomes and the chromosomal structure of the two species, the hybridization is very difficult to succeed and the boll rate is only about 0.1%. After colchicine-induced tetraploid Asian cotton (2n = 52) was mutagenized with colchicine, the rate of boll rate was increased significantly, usually over 30%. Sun Ji medium four years of research results, into the bell rate of 0-42.1%.