宁波“奥克斯”空调邀请同获免检资格的空调企业,共商降价联盟的会议于2月20日在北京如期召开,虽然会议原定的目的未能达到,但“奥克斯”空调还是不同程度出现在各地媒体上,其推广品牌的效应还是产生了。 去年就有人预测,2001年家电大战将直指白色家电——空调业,果不其然,2月16日“春兰”空调率先在全国打出降价500-1000元的牌,虽然其他空调厂家尚未作出对应,但可以相
The meeting of Ningbo “Aux” Air Conditioning Co., Ltd., an air-conditioning company that has been exempted from inspection, and a price reduction alliance, was held on schedule in Beijing on February 20. Although the original purpose of the meeting could not be met, “Aux” air conditioners still appear in varying degrees. The effect of promoting the brand has also been generated in media around the country. Last year, some people predicted that the home appliance war in 2001 will be directed at white goods - the air conditioning industry. Sure enough, on February 16th, “Chunlan” air conditioners took the lead in the country to reduce the price of 500-1000 yuan, although other air-conditioning manufacturers have not yet made, but Can be