在欧洲访问不能不去商场,尤其是在被誉为购物天堂的巴黎,大小商家种类繁多星罗棋布。望着那一处处漂亮的橱窗,如同望着一块块刚出炉的面包,那四溢的香味令人无法自抑,不能不走进去品尝一番。 在欧洲几个国家,无论是跳蚤市场摆地摊的小贩,还是富丽堂皇高档商场的白领们,服务的热情、周到,令人找到了“上帝”的感觉。总的看国内的商家与之并没有太大的差别,当然我指的是改革开放以后大都市里的商场,而非过去总面对那种“门难进”“脸难看”的服务员。
Visits to Europe must go to shopping malls, especially in Paris, which is known as a shopping paradise. There are a wide variety of small and large businesses. Looking at the beautiful display window of that place, like looking at a freshly baked piece of bread, the overflowing scent is inconceivable and you have to walk in and taste it. In several countries in Europe, whether it is a hawker selling stalls in a flea market or a white-collar worker in an imposing luxury shopping mall, the enthusiasm and thoughtfulness of the service have made it possible to find the “God” feeling. In general, domestic companies do not have much difference with them. Of course, I refer to the malls in the metropolis after the reform and opening up. It is not always the kind of “difficult to enter” or “face ugly” waiters.