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(本刊记者求实)事情得从四百多年前的明朝说起,嘉靖皇帝有个宠妃娘娘,身怀六甲,皇上命太医一定要保住龙种,不料到五月端午节戏龙舟之际,身体孱弱的周娘娘在观看龙舟时遭冷水湿衣得病后竟流产。嘉靖帝以太医失职为由将太医院院史斩首,赐死值班医官,其他太医全部流放充军。在遭发配充军的太医中有一个叫谢平的,医术十分高明,被流放到贵州。时任黔东南知府正是光明村人谢权方,谢权方对谢平,一个是因为都是谢姓本家,一个是对他的蒙冤深表同情,把谢太医奉为上宾遂成莫逆之交。后来,太医冤案平反,奉召回京,升为太医院院史。谢太医搜集宫廷御方,祖训家传等等,编成《谢氏医贯》。上、中、下三部书,并赠与谢权方以报答知遇之恩。在谢太医鼎力相助下,谢权方于1580年创办“民安堂”为当地老百姓治好很多疑难杂症,这就是广泛流传于黔东南民间的“龙颜怒太医遭贬,谢氏搭救赐书报恩”的这段佳话。《谢氏医贯》的中、下部在谢家后代传抄,当时许多谢氏后人因此步入行医之道。但《谢氏医贯》的精华却在上部,只能由谢氏族长(或首房长孙)代代相传,现在要说的是《谢氏医贯》的第十七代传人谢主任。 (Reporting by the reporter is practical) The matter began with the Ming Dynasty more than 400 years ago. The emperor Jiajing had a favored empress and a full-fledged emperor. With imperialism, the emperor ordered that the imperial physician must preserve the dragon species, only to see the Dragon Boat Festival in the May Dragon Boat Festival. On the occasion, the week of the goddess, who was weak in her body, suffered an abortion after she was sick with cold water and wet clothes while watching the dragon boat. Jia Jingdi took the imperial doctor’s dereliction of duty as a reason to decapitate the history of the Taiyuan Hospital, to give the doctor on duty to die, and all other imperial doctors exiled. Among the imperial doctors who were dispatched to fill the army, there was a person named Xie Ping who was highly skilled and was exiled to Guizhou. At that time, the governor of southeastern Yunnan Province was the village of Xie Quan of Guangming Village, and Xie Quanfang of Xie Ping. This was because they thanked their family and their family. One was sympathetic to his ignorant monk, and Xie Taiyi was regarded as a guest of honor. Later, the imperial doctor reproached the case and was summoned to Beijing for a hospital history. Xie Tai-Mei collected royal courts, ancestral ancestral homes, and so on, and compiled the Xie Shi Yi Guan. The upper, middle and lower three books, and gifts to the right party to repay the knowledge of grace. Thanked to the help of Xie Taiyi, Xie Quanfang founded the “Min An Church” in 1580 to cure many incurable diseases for the local people. This is widely spread in the southeastern civil society. “Longyan anger imperial doctor was demoted, and Xie received the rescue. The story of the book is well-known. The middle and lower parts of Xie Shi Yi Guan Guan were copied in the descendants of the Xie family, and many of the Xie’s descendants had therefore entered the path of practicing medicine. However, the essence of Xie Shi Yi Guan Guan is at the top and can only be handed down from generation to generation by the Xie clan chief (or grandson of the first house). Now it is said that the Xie Shi Yi Guan, the seventeenth generation successor Xie Zhuren.
人吃五谷杂粮,难免有个头疼脑热,看病吃药少不了,但目前大医院挂号难、医药费偏高等门槛,让不少患者望而止步。 People eat whole grains, will inevitably have a headache
2008年6月14日,国际高级墨水笔品牌万宝龙公司(Mont Blanc)在北京798艺术区D·PARK时尚设计广场举行颁奖典礼,宣布2008年万宝龙国际艺术赞助大奖中国获奖者为今典投资(集团)
1 鼠疫菌质粒的研究1.1 鼠疫菌携带质粒的种类 Ferber等研究了10株鼠疫弱毒苗和1株强毒菌,报道了鼠疫菌携带6、45和65Mdal三种质粒。Ben—Gurion等报道了12.5、44.5和61Mdal