连续性部分性癫痫一直为神经科临床治疗的一大难题,作者报导静滴尼莫地平治疗2例,均完全控制。病例1,50岁,男性,右侧复发性蝶骨嵴脑膜瘤,一直服卡马西平,200mg,一日四次。第二次手术后11小时发生左面部连续性抽搐,神志清楚。虽静注安定达27.5mg 仍无效,于发作持续91/2小时后开始静脉输入尼莫地平,3分钟内发作即止(用量未记载)。后以1mg/小时静滴维持,2小时后又有小抽搐,尼莫地平增加至2mg/小时,2分钟内又止,维持18小时后停用2小时抽搐又发,重新用尼莫地平2mg/小时静滴,2分钟后发作控制,继续维持24小时未再复发。此期间无明显血压降低。2天后卡马西平由口服尼莫地平40mg 一日三次代替,术后12天出院,3个月随访无复发。病例2,70岁,女性,右大脑中动脉分布区出血性梗塞。发生左侧偏
Continuous partial epilepsy has been a major problem in the clinical treatment of neurology, the authors report intravenous nimodipine treatment in 2 cases, were completely controlled. Case 1, 50 years old, male, right recurrent sphenoidal ridge meningioma, has been taking carbamazepine, 200mg, four times a day. 11 hours after the second surgery occurred in the left side of the continuous convulsions, conscious. Although intravenous stability of up to 27.5mg still invalid, the onset of sustained 91/2 hours after the start of intravenous nimodipine within 3 minutes of onset (the amount not recorded). After 1mg / hour intravenous maintenance, 2 hours after a small convulsions, nimodipine increased to 2mg / hour, 2 minutes and then stopped for 18 hours after the withdrawal of 2 hours of convulsions and again with nimodipine 2mg / Hour intravenous infusion, seizure control after 2 minutes, continue to maintain 24 hours without recurrence. No significant decrease in blood pressure during this period. Two days later, carbamazepine was replaced by oral nimodipine 40 mg three times a day, and discharged at 12 days after operation. There was no recurrence after 3 months of follow-up. Case 2, 70 years old, female, right middle cerebral artery distribution hemorrhagic infarction. Left partial deviation occurred