三、GDDS的主要内容 GDDS的主要内容可以从两个方面来看,一是GDDS作为一个公布数据的标准,其总体框架、指标体系是什么,设定的标准有哪些。二是GDDS作为一个公布数据通用系统,要求参加国提供有关描述现行统计数据生产和公布方面的信息和短期、中期的改进计划,因此了解
Third, the main contents of GDDS The main contents of GDDS can be viewed from two aspects, first, GDDS as a published data standards, the overall framework, the index system is what, what are the set standards. Second, as a GDDS, GDDS requires participating countries to provide information on short-term and medium-term improvement of information describing current production and publication of statistics and therefore to understand