目前,我国道路运输行业与其它行业一样,形成了开放的、多种经济成份并存的客货运输市场,为国民经济发展和人民生活起了十分重要的作用;然而,改革开放二十多年来,为道路运输市场的形成和发展做出主要贡献的道路运输行政管理(因为没有《道路运输法减《道路运输管理条例》)部门却一直处在名不正、言不顺的地位,至多属于经济管理部门,这与我国即将加入WTO和当前道路运输发展中所遇到一些问题是很不相适应的,必经把道路运输管理工作上升到法律法规范畴。为此,笔者拟从以下几方面提些粗浅的认识。 第一,道路运输执法的法律效力之前提必
At present, China’s road transport industry, like other industries, has formed an open and multi-economic passenger and cargo transport market that plays an important role in the development of the national economy and people’s livelihood. However, over 20 years of reform and opening up , The road transport administration that makes the main contribution to the formation and development of the road transport market (because there is no “Road Transport Law minus the Road Transport Regulations”) departments have always been in an unhealthy and ill-advised position, at least belonging to the economy This is quite incompatible with some problems encountered by China’s imminent accession to the WTO and the current development of road transport. It has to elevate road transport management to the level of laws and regulations. To this end, the author intends to raise some superficial understanding from the following aspects. First, the legal effect of road transport law enforcement must be prerequisite