本文报告1989年晴隆县城关镇自来水水源受城区污水污染引起的一起伤寒水型暴发流行. 一般情况晴隆县城关镇由东西南北中五条街组成,地貌呈低凹条形,居住一万余居民.自来水源位于城区北面,属深井水,位置低于城区中心90米,约80%的居民饮用自来水,20%的居民
This article reports the occurrence of an outbreak of typhoid water outbreak caused by urban sewage in Chengguan Town, Qinglong County in 1989. The general situation Chengguan Town in Qinglong County consists of five streets in East, Residents. The water source is located in the north of the city, is a deep well water, located 90 meters below the city center, about 80% of residents drinking tap water, 20% of residents